Getting Started with Self-Taught UX Design
There are plenty of good resources out there to start to teach yourself UX Design. These are some of the resources I enjoyed on my self-taught path.
This is meant to be more of a living document than an exhaustive list.
This list is meant to complement the approach of learning while doing. I find that what works best for me is cycling through theoretical study, tutorials, and applying that knowledge to designing my own apps. To each their own!
A great weekly email course with resources that teach the theory of design.
A helpful tutorial of Figma’s features taught through designing some app screens.
A course of color theory and CSS by Codecademy.
Weekly interesting UX insights presented with solid testing and data.
Links to articles, tools, and UX portfolios. Curated by Kenny Chen.
Five daily links about design, tech, news, and tools. Curated by Sacha Greif.
Interviews with designers.
Interviews and discussions about design topics.
Interviews with designers.